November 18, 2019
The show this week has a guest with stories about growing up where Marilyn Monroe and Liz Taylor dropped into his life as the son of famous writer parents. Today Steve Zolotow is more known for his poker tournament appearances and sage wisdom on everything from bridge, chess, pool, and poker. He regales us with tales about playing cards at the legendary Mayfair Club, at Larry Flynt’s house, and among card cheats.
We never know who we will get as guests, but they all share in common being a New Yorker. Steve Z is a classic raconteur and you will enjoy hearing these stories.
We record the show at The Lambs, 3 West 51st Street. Founded in 1874, it’s America’s first professional theatrical club (not to be confused with a restaurant). Our theme song is by Big Ed Cody, leader of the Whiskey Wranglers.
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